Upcoming Public Holidays Opening Hours
Monday 10th of March - Adelaide Cup Day - Open 9-1
Friday 18th of April - Good Friday - CLOSED
Saturday 19th of April - Easter Saturday - Open 8-5
Sunday 20th of April - Easter Sunday - CLOSED
Monday 21st of April - Easter Monday - Open 9-1
Friday 25th of April - ANZAC Day - Open 9-1
Flu Clinics
Flu clinics will be on weekends this year
Patient 65+ can book in from
Saturday 22nd of March and Sunday 23rd of March
Phone and make an appointment for this today.
All other patients can book in weekend clinics in April.
Trinity Medical Centre is very happy and excited to announce that we have 2 new doctors starting with us on Wednesday 5th of February 2025.
We would like to welcome to our family:
Dr Niran Nitchingham and Dr Anjani Prasad (specialises in women's health)
Please call the surgery on 8258 1677 or head to our 'GPs that use our facilities page' for more information on their hours and to make online appointments.
Lets make these new doctors feel welcomed as I am sure they will make an incredible contribution to our community and to our practice for many years to come.
Thank you once again to all our wonderful patients who continue and have supported us throughout all these years.
March is Blood cancer awareness month - WORLDS GREATEST SHAVE
"​Blood cancer is Australia’s hidden cancer crisis. Today, there are 150,000 families facing blood cancer, and 17 Australians will lose their life. Every year, thousands of Australians step up to Shave, Cut, or Colour their hair and raise funds in support of those affected.
Every dollar helps provide families with the support they need, while powering critical research projects that bring us closer to a blood cancer free future. By joining the World’s Greatest Shave community today, you’ll help fuel real, tangible change tomorrow." - https://yourhealthlink.health.nsw.gov.au/health-events-calendar/#march
For further Info go to:
March is Endometriosis awareness month:
"Endometriosis Awareness Month 2025 –Endo Enlightened is back! This March, Australia will shine bright yellow once again to raise awareness for endometriosis, a disease affecting 1 in 7 women, girls, and those assigned female at birth by the age of 49" - https://yourhealthlink.health.nsw.gov.au/health-events-calendar/#march
For further info go to:
Dear Patients,
As of the 1st of November 2023 our fees are:
All concession card holders + children 15 years and younger will be BULK BILLED (Unless seeing Dr Farzan, Dr Farzan charges an after hours fee to ALL PATIENTS).
Non-concession card holders will be charged a gap fee - see full details below.
Further Billing details:
The full amount of your consult will need to be paid upfront on the day and you will receive the Medicare rebate within 24 hours of paying your account.
Patient who have not been in for the last 2 years will be charged as a new patient. (Please see fees below)
The amount for consults will vary depending on the time frame you are with your GP and are generally as follows;
Level B- Standard Consults (If your appointment is more complex or a longer consult, the upfront fee may vary, however the gap will not change.)
Mon – Fri 8am - 6pm (non concession card holders)
Amount to be paid Upfront - $ 62.85
Medicare Rebate - $42.85
Gap - $20.00 (This gap will vary for Dr Anjani Prasad who charges a $30 gap)
New patients Upfront - $82.85 (Including patients who have not been in to see the GP face to face in the last 2 years)
Medicare Rebate - $42.85
Gap - $40.00
Mon – Fri 6pm - 8pm + Sat 8am-1pm
Amount to be paid Upfront - $72.85
Medicare Rebate - $42.85
Gap - $30.00
New patients Upfront - $92.85 (Including patients who have not been in to see the GP face to face in the last 2 years)
Medicare Rebate - $42.85
Gap - $50.00
After 8pm Mon – Fri, Sat 1pm onwards, Sundays, Public Holidays
Amount to be paid Upfront - $85.80
Medicare Rebate - $55.80
Gap - $30.00
New patients upfront - $105.80 (Including patients who have not been in to see the GP face to face in the last 2 years)
Medicare Rebate - $55.80
Gap - $50.00
Procedures (Includes Lesions)
Amount to be paid upfront - Depends on Procedure (Ask Staff)
Medicare rebate - Depends on Procedure (Ask Staff)
Gap - $50.00
(Dr Jelu Eismen charges $80 for all procedures - speak to reception staff to double check what your charge will be on the day)
Sutures Implanon Insertion Implanon Removal
Gap - $50.00 - $80.00 Gap - $50.00 - $80.00 Gap - $50.00 - $80.00
Telephone consults: (Practice Policy)
Only available if patient has been seen by GP in the last 6 months -otherwise a face to face will be required. (Some GPs are no longer doing telephone consults - please check with reception staff if this applies to your doctor.) For longer telephone consults MYMEDICARE forms must be filled in for billings purposes. Once you have had a tele consult you will receive a text requiring permission for Medicare to bulk bill you and provided you fill in the required form all tele consults will be bulk billed if you have a current Medicare card.
Please wear a mask if you have any respiratory symptoms.
Please note cancellation fee:
If you are not able to attend your appointment, we require at least 2 hours notice to cancel so we can then offer the appointment to others.
As of May 2021 Trinity Medical Centre reserves the right to charge a cancellation fee/non-attendance fee of $50 if you do not call us 2 hours prior to the appointment time.
This fee will apply to all patients 18 years and over. If your appointment is with our nurse we require 24 hours notice for cancellation.
Please be aware, if you make an appointment with Dr. Farzan, waiting times can be longer.
Please be aware: Dr Farzan charges an after hours fee in the evenings to ALL PATIENTS.
Patient Feedback:
We are currently seeking patient feedback, We are constantly looking for constructive feedback and ways to improve our service.
We have noticed from feedback that patients are finding it harder to get same day appointments with a GP when needed. We have worked hard to get 2 new doctors working our clinic, Dr Niran Nitchingham and Dr Anjani Prasad, this will hopefully mean making appointments should get easier with more GPs available to service our patients.
Thank you for your patience with this, this has been a long process and we are excited to be able to offer our patients on the day appointments with some of the GPs that use our rooms.
Trinity Medical Centre is a GPA accredited practice dedicated to providing a comprehensive range of services for all patients from newborn infants to the elderly. We have a commitment to child safety and wellbeing. We aspire to provide continuity of care and offer a dedicated service with appropriate standards of medical practice, ethics and patient care.